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General model requirements for 3D Viewer


Models designed for 3D Viewer have slightly different requirements comparing to our General 3D model requirements



  • Max 130'000 triangles per scene.
  • Textures 2048x2048.
  • 3D model should have real world size (1:1 scale).
  • Main body of the item should be centered.
    • If a scene contains two objects (for example, left and right sneaker or a pair of earrings), central point between objects should be centered.
  • For a better user experience, we suggest adding a node called plane_ao, which represents a horizontal plane under the object with baked ambient occlusion (AO) from the scene. Backface culling should be enabled for plane_ao.
  • Keep in mind that users can view the object from any angle, so it's important to model all the details, for example the back side of the watch case.
  • POIs can be set in the Wanna Studio after the model has been uploaded there.
  • ActionAnimation could be set for having the Details view. Any auxiliary object to de displayed on the Details view should be modelled as an action_animation node. Starting camera for this view should be set separately and should be named as Camera.ActionAnimation.

KHR extensions support

All supported extensions are listed here

Nodes structure

3D model itself should be encapsulated within the main top level node, and AO under the model should be done as a separate plane_ao top level node. The exact logic is below.

Condition Generic 3D Viewer 3D Viewer for Handbags
main node is present

Display available nodes from the list below and hide all other nodes:

main and all of its sub-nodes


Display available nodes from the list below and hide any other nodes:

main and all its sub-nodes

strap_long and all its sub-nodes

plane_ao - if the main node is displayed

plane_ao_strap - if the strap_long node is displayed

main node is absent Display all available nodes regardless of their names Display all nodes for this model except for dimensions_cm/ dimensions_inch, if they are present
dimensions_cm/ dimensions_inch are or aren’t present These nodes don’t influence the Generic 3D Viewer’s behaviour. Refer to the rules regarding the main node. Check the availability of size references for the corresponding model. If size references are available, the Dimensions button should be present in UI. If not, check the availability of dimensions_cm/ dimensions_inch nodes and display the Dimensions button if they are present.
action_animation is or isn’t present

Check the animation parameters for the corresponding model. If ActionAnimation animation is present, the Inside/Details tap is present in the UI and this action_animation node is displayed in the Inside/Details mode.
Important! Due to current limitations in WANNA 3D Viewer, this node cannot contain any bones; otherwise, it will not be displayed correctly.



A 3D model could have some animated parts. WANNA supports 2 kinds of animation:

  • so-called ‘ongoing animation’ that is played constantly when the user interacts with a model in the 3D Viewer; for example, clock hands animation 
  • animation that represents a specific action, that is played once and then the user has an ability to interact with the modified model; for example, bag opening animation of scarf tying animation

These animation types differ by names:

Animation name 3D Viewer UI Animation usage



No UI changes

Animation plays constantly when the users explores the model in all modes except for Inside/Details



Inside/Details tab is available for a model that has such animation:

  • the name Inside is used for bags;
  • the name Details for all other categories.

This animation could be played in 3 different ways depending on the parameters set in WANNA Studio:

  • [single play] the animation plays when the user taps on the Inside/Details tab and when the user taps on another tap (for example, Dimensions, etc.) no animation is played;
  • [play and reverse] the animation plays when the user taps on the Inside/Details tab and then it is played backwards when the user taps on another tab;
  • [split play] the half of the animation plays when the user taps on the Inside/Details tab and then the second half plays when the user taps on another tab (for example, Dimensions, etc.).

Suggestions for ActionAnimation setup in Blender:

  • Recommended FPS: 24 FPS
  • Recommended frame range: 0 - 250 frames
  • The number of frames must be an even number
  • Blender's glTF exporter cuts the frame range based on the last keyframe. Therefore, for an accurate export, you need to ensure that the last frame is a keyframe.
  • Recommended animation duration: 10 secs or less
  • Add Camera.ActionAnimation to define the starting camera view for the animation. If no camera is set, the starting position will match the scene from the 3D model itself. [link to the camera setting guide from Bags]
  • Split play animations will be automatically divided into two equal parts based on the frame range, e.g., frames 0–125 for the first part and frames 126–250 for the second part.
  • Example animation: 

Suggestions for Animation setup for clock hands: https://wanna.helpjuice.com/watches-category/animation-for-watches 

Unsupported items

  • Multi-level transparency (when one transparent object is overlayed on top of another transparent object)
  • Subsurface scattering
  • Iridescent materials

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