Popular topics: General 3D model requirements How to prepare Bag model in Blender

Points of Interest for Bags in Wanna Studio

Points of Interest (POIs)

For some items, you might want to define the starting position of the item in the 3D viewer and how the item rotates when the user rotates the view. This can be accomplished with the points of interest (POI) functionality in WANNA Studio. POIs can be used to highlight certain features of the item.

WANNA Studio supports two types of POIs:

  • Starting position: This is the view of the item that the user sees when the item model is first loaded in the 3D viewer. To use POI functionality, you must define the starting position. Note that you cannot set the zoom level of the starting position. The 3D Viewer will automatically adjusts the first POI for a bag model to guarantee that the whole bag is visible regardless of the 3D Viewer’s screen size.
  • Highlights (2nd and 3rd POI): This is a point about which the object rotates when the user rotates the item in the 3D viewer. You can specify up to two highlights points after you define the starting position. The highlights point definition includes the zoom level. Only one highlights point is active at a time in the 3D viewer.
    • FOV and aspect ratio
      The WANNA technology ignores FOV set for a model. Instead of it uses default values: FOV 39.6 degrees
      In addition, we use camera aspect ratio settings for the 2nd and 3rd POI. The camera position will be exactly the same as it is set in Blender. For example, if a camera is 16:9 and we open the viewer on a mobile device in portrait orientation, the 3D Viewer will crop the scene displaying the center part only.
      Zoom levels will differ for different screen sizes. However, the bag position in the scene should be the same

Adding POIs to a Model

For some items, you might want to define the starting position of the item in the 3D viewer and how the item rotates when the user rotates the view. This can be accomplished with the points of interest (POI) functionality in WANNA Studio. POIs can be used to highlight certain features of the item.

  1. Open the model in 3D view by clicking the 3D button or Edit for the model in your model list.
  2. After the model loads, click the Edit POIs button in the bottom right of the window.
  3. The first POI you define should be the starting position. Also, the first POI could be adjusted from its default state by double-clicking the model. Then rotate the object into the desired starting position and click Set POI.
  4. To add a highlights:
    1. Click Add POI
    2. Rotate and zoom the object to find the surface where you want to define the highlights point. (By default, the highlights point is in the geometric center of the object.)
    3. Double click on the desired highlights point. 
    4. Click Set POI.
  5. Repeat step 2 for the second highlights point, if desired. The first highlights point is designated “POI 2” and the second is designated “POI 3.”
  6. When you are finished, click Save all to save your POIs to the model.

When viewing (not editing) a model with POIs defined in the WANNA Studio 3D viewer, up to three selection buttons appear at the bottom of the window. The first button (from the left) is for the starting position, and the other button(s) are for the highlights point(s).


Modifying and Deleting POIs

  1. Open the model in 3D view by clicking the 3D button for the model in your model list.
  2. After the model loads, click the Edit POIs button in the bottom right of the window.
  3. (Optional) To delete a highlights point, click the trash can icon next to the POI’s button at the bottom of the window.
  4. (Optional) To reset a POI to the default, click the POI’s button at the bottom of the window and click Reset to default.
  5. To set a new starting position:
    1. Click Starting position at the bottom of the window.
    2. Rotate the object to the new starting position.
    3. Click Set POI.
  6. To move a highlights:
    1. Click the POI’s button at the bottom of the window.
    2. Double-click on the new highlights point.
    3. Click Set POI.
  1. When finished making modifications, click Save all.


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