Update the model file
If you don't like the model appearance, you can download the model archive from WANNA Studio and adjust it with your 3D modelling software.
Upload the new archive to WANNA Studio as a new model. If you'd like to replace the old model, turn on the Replace existing checkbox when uploading a model with the same Model ID.
Change the model ID
You can change identifiers for the models that haven't been published yet. Select the text field with the model ID and enter the new value. Confirm your change.

Change model settings
The following settings are available for editing:
- Environment map - for all types of workspaces when there is more than one environment map
- Model shift - for watches workspaces
- Enable/disable animation - for watches workspaces
To use custom settings for uploading models, go to General Settings and change the environment maps, model shift, and animations, as needed.
After you have made changes, wait 5-7 seconds, then scan the QR code again to see them.
Open edit panel (allowed for models in Draft status)

Environment map
By default, the WANNA team provides: four environment maps for watches, one for bags, and one for shoes workspace.
To change the environment map, navigate to the “Lightning” tab.

Select an environment map from the list provided. Once selected, the environment map will be applied to the model.

Model shift
To change the model shift, navigate to the "Shift" tab.
An animated image when changing the shift will help you understand where the watch model will move; the recommended default value is 2.

If the model has animations and the animation setting was turned off when uploading, you can turn the animation on yourself by moving the toggle to the active position.

Ability to enable/disable and setting up 2K shadows.
This will only apply when the model is viewed in the Studio or starting with WEB SDK 3.2.0
Offset (X) and Offset (Y) - These control the direction of the shadow, which can be set either by a numerical value or by indicating the direction on the "map." If the point is centered on the map, the shadow will be directly under the watch and will shift according to how far and in which direction it is moved.
Shadow Multiplier - This controls the shadow's blur or how transparent it is. The higher the number, the more transparent the shadow will be.
After configuring the shadows, save the changes and then scan the QR code.

Screen Space Reflection (SSR)
Ability to enable/disable SSR. Read more about SSR here.
This will only apply when the model is viewed in the Studio or starting with WEB SDK 2.7.4 and iOS SDK 6.1

Tone Mapping
Option to select between ACES and ACES Narkowicz tone mapping, to match your needs.
Read more about Tone Mapping here.
This will only apply when the model is viewed in the Studio or starting with WEB SDK 2.7.4 and iOS SDK 7.1

Ability to turn on/off and adjust the intensity of Bloom. Default setting at 0.05
This will only apply when the model is viewed in the Studio or starting with WEB SDK 2.7.4 and iOS SDK 6.1

Exposure Adjustment
Gain the ability to enable or disable Exposure Adjustment for your workspace. This feature enhances the realism of models by adapting them to ambient lighting conditions.
For more details about the feature, please refer to the documentation.
Note: To activate this setting for your workspace, please reach out to your manager.
This will only apply when the model is viewed in the Studio or starting with WEB SDK 3.4

Publish models
Once you are happy with your model, publish it to be used with WANNA SDK.
- Select the model in the list.
- Select Approve for publishing. The model will switch to Ready for Publishing status.

- Navigate to the Pending tab and select Propagate changes.
Important! Once you Propagate changes the update process starts. After update, ALL models with Ready for Publishing status will be published, and ALL models with Marked for Unpublishing status will be unpublished.
All these models will be listed in the Pending tab; review the list carefully before starting the update.

- Once the cloud storage is updated, your model will be ready for use with WANNA SDK. You can find all published models available for use with WANNA SDK on the Published tab.
Unpublish models
If you no longer need a model and would like to disable try-on for it, unpublish this model. Select it in the list, then select Mark for unpublishing. The changes will apply the next time you Propagate changes.

Important! Once the model is unpublished, it won't be available for use with WANNA SDK any longer. Do NOT unpublish the models that may be used in your production environment.
Delete models
You may want to delete some models, for example if the product is no longer manufactured and sold. Note that WANNA Studio only allows to delete models which are not yet published or have been unpublished. To delete unpublished models, go to the Drafts tab and select the models for deletion. Select Delete the models at the top:

Model search
The Studio user is able to search for models through batch or by inserting a list of IDs, such as from an EXCEL document.

The system can suggest available models after entering at least 3 characters and several IDs can be entered in the search.

Also, when expanding the list of all identifiers, models can be unselected.

Additionally, batch search can be used if a list of IDs is already available. From the results, you can see how many IDs were found and not found and can work with the search results by selecting models, deleting them and changing their status.

Finally, the you can exit the search state by clicking one of the pages in the left sidebar menu.